Thursday, February 25, 2010


When I was little, I was deathly afraid someone was always watching me. After my parents would tuck me into bed, I would immediately hide under the covers. When the lights were out, I swear I could see a big, glowing eye ball on my wall. I would always make sure to go right to sleep instead of staying up and watching T.V. or going out to the kitchen and sneaking a bedtime snack, just to ensure that I wouldn't get yelled at. One morning when I woke up, I told my mom what I saw and she thought I was crazy, but I thought I was being on surveillance by the FBI or something. I huffed back into my room and looked at the wall (hoping to find a big hole where a camera might be placed at nighttime) but I never found anything. My door also always had to be open. I guess thats another fear; being trapped. It didn't matter what the situation was. It could be drowning, riding an elevator, or even a practice tornado drill at school. I dreaded any situation where I felt like I couldn’t get out. Just the thought of being captured or held against my will, to this day, makes me shiver.


  1. Asia,
    I totally know how you feel! I'm afraid to be in deep water alone because I think something is going to eat me, even if I'm in a small pool. I also don't close my door all the way when I sleep. It's one of those things that you want to know will be an easy way to escape out of if something goes wrong.

  2. I was in the same boat as you! To this day I still feel like there is someone watching me. I have a dark corner in my room and I always feel like someone could be standing there. I would hide under the covers too! Blankets always = safety! :]

  3. That's crazy. I was never scared of being watched, never thought of it really. however, there was always that feeling that i was trapped, anytime a door was closed. or anything none the less.

  4. That's really creepy! I was definitely the opposite of you though because I always had and still have to have the door closed or I feel like things can get in my room. Like a beast or some creeper or something.

  5. I have to keep my door closed so something can't get in either.
    not something scary, but my kitten. he is annoying.

  6. you're not the only one whose parents called crazy

    "I once feared going up or down stairs
    – Especially at night–
    Due to what some might
    Call a hallucination
    Others a supernatural acquaintance
    I dare not go into the details,
    Else, I be called a lunatic."
    quote from my blog :)
